The Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE outlined in this curriculum contain competencies, or learning goals, which have been outlined for the children at the pre-primary stage of education.
Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE (Early childhood care and education)
The learning foundation for later learning and achievement has six main key areas. It is important to remember that children progress at different rates, that individual achievement will vary and that ECCE (Early childhood care and education) teachers must appreciate and recognize the language and culture of the children.
Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE
Children whose achievements exceed the expected outcomes should be provided with opportunities, which extend their knowledge and skills. There may be others who will require continued support for achieving all or some of the outcomes after entering Grade-1. Care has been taken to ensure that there is an overlap of learning outcomes between the ECCE (Early childhood care and education) and grade-1 levels, so that children get opportunities for revision and reinforcement children with special educational needs will continue to need varied kinds of support throughout the school.
Early Childhood –Key Learning Areas outcomes for ECCE
This early year core curriculum has been split into the below key learning areas for outcomes for ECCE ((Early childhood care and education). Each key learning area has between three to seven competencies or learning goals. A summary of key learning areas and competencies is given:
Seven key learning area outcomes for ECCE
- Personal and social development
- Language and literacy
- Basic Mathematical Concepts
- The World Around us
- Health, Hygiene and Safety
- Create Arts
- Through Play
These outcomes focus on children learning of children it means
- How to work?
- How to play?
- How to cooperate with others?
In addition, function in a group beyond the family. Children / kids cover essential aspects of their own social, moral and spiritual improvement, including the development of personal values and an understanding of self and of others. They should be interpreted in the context of the values agreed to by the adults, including the parents
Language and literacy

These outcomes cover important aspects of language development and provide the foundation for literacy. The language used in the program for all six areas of development could be in the mother tongue, based on local culture and It can then gradually add Urdu and English (wherever applicable). Children should be helped gradually to acquire competence in Urdu, making use where appropriate, of their developing understanding and skills in other languages. The outcomes focus on children developing competence in talking and listening and in becoming readers and writers. Another area of learning that creates a vital impact to the successful growth of communication and literacy.
Basic Mathematical Concepts
The mathematical good outcomes cover important aspects of understanding and provide the foundation for numeracy. They focus on achievement and application through practical activities and on using and understanding mathematical language.
The World Around us
These outcomes focus on children’s developing knowledge and understanding of their environment, Other people and features of the natural and “made” world. They provide the foundation for historical, geographical, scientific and technological learning.
Health- Hygiene and Safety
These outcomes focus on children developing physical control, mobility, awareness of Space and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments. They include establishing positive approaches towards a healthy and active way of life.
Create Arts
These outcomes focus on the development of children’s imagination and their ability to communicate and express ideas. Feelings, observation and experiences create ways. With the help of Art creation, the children are encouraging children to think of new and innovative ideas, which can be expressed through varied media.
Expected Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE
Children learn at their own individual pace according to their interest level and learning style. At the young age of 3-5 years, children should not be forced to learn because this will impede their learning and cognitive development.
early childhood care and education -preschool education
The ECCE Curriculum charts out the key learning outcome area for ECCE that young children are expected to attain. However, given the diverse learning style and paces, many children may not achieve the entire outcome in the two years that they are in the Nursery/ Katchi grade. Therefore, the outcomes for the pre-primary / nursery / katchi grade are termed “expected” and educators and supervisors should not be overly concerned about children completing activities or meeting each outcome. It is the process and not the product of learning that is more important at this stage.
Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE point
The key learning area outcomes for ECCE point’s capabilities is a list of expected Learning outcomes, which start with by the end of the year, children start to grow the attitudes and come with the knowledge and skill to. It is most important to recap that in the early years. Kids / children learn and develop at their own pace. It is very likely that many children may not achieve all the learning outcomes by the end of the year. This is why the outcomes in the ECCE curriculum are called expected learning outcomes and not student learning outcomes are in the curricula for grades 1-12. As long as the teachers are providing continuous and varied opportunities for hands-on learning, children are engaging enthusiastically, teachers, supervisor, and parents should not be overly concerned.
7. Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE through Play
- Paly is an integral part of this curriculum framework. Children learn through play an its though play that children
- Developing conceptual understanding enhances dispositions such as curiosity and creativity.
- Construct knowledge and understanding through contributing to their own learning and that of others. Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE
- Explore possibilities and create a sense of meaning education can encourage a play-based pedagogy by Ensuring that children are provided periods of uninterrupted time in which they can engage in active learning, explore their environment, make discovers challenges
- Providing opportunities to work with other children. Key learning Areas Outcomes For ECCE
- Being a supportive adult who is able to understand and extend children’s natural interests.
- Providing opportunities of learning through play the framework, reiterate the need for educators to respect and work with each child’s unique qualities and abilities.
Examples and ideas for implementation Key Learning Areas outcomes for ECCE
An additional column containing examples and ideas for implementation, has been added to this curriculum to provide some suggestions for implementation, to teachers, writers of teachers’ guides and to those who will develop teaching learning for this age group.
As the terms suggest these are examples and ideas only, and are not intended as a prescriptive and exhaustive list of activities for teachers to follow. Teachers should use these suggestions as a starting point, and localize the ideas to meet the needs of the children’s context.
Assessment Key Learning Areas outcomes for ECCE
The column on assessment provides examples of how teachers can assess children in ways beyond appear and pencil tests. Assessment should be an ongoing process. The Assessment of children’s learning and development growth should always focus on individual children over a period and avoid making comparisons between children. Teachers should use these suggestions as examples of how to assess the expected learning outcomes and keep the needs of the child at the forefront.
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