How to get Covid-19 Vaccination certificate in Pakistan

How to get Covid-19 Vaccination certificate in Pakistan
How to get Covid-19 Vaccination certificate in Pakistan

The progress of vaccination in Pakistan is showing promising results with the declining number of cases all from the country, and is likely to be improved by the development of internal Pakistan vaccines.

How to get Covid-19 Vaccination certificate  in Pakistan?

Any Pakistani who Vaccinated both dose of Covid-19 has completed they  can now easily take their COVID-19 vaccination certificates form the NADARA office even NADAR emergency center. They also take the COVID-19 vaccination certificate through online it is also simple.

How to get Vaccination certificate form NADRA?

Before we discuss the steps of how to get COVID-19 e-vaccination Certificate from NADRA thought online or physical we discuss or clear some questions

What is NADRA COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate?

The COVID-19 vaccination certificate is proof that any Pakistani has completed both doses of COVID-19 vaccination. This certification is provided by NADRA (National Database and Registration Authority) which has confirmed that the person has completed both doses of his vaccination and will issue a certificate for both single dose and double dose corona virus vaccines.

How to get my Covid-19 Vaccination certificate?

Only those Pakistani who has competed vaccination doses it means both vaccination dose they can eligible for the Covid-19 Vaccination e-certificate. Only pay 100 PKR at your nearest NADRA center to get your Covid-19 vaccination e-certificate in person.

How to obtain / get Covid-19 vaccination e-certificate?

The online portal NIMS is another method provided by the Government of Pakistan to obtain the Cowed 19 vaccination certificate.

This is an easy way to get a COVID-19 vaccination e-certificate. Obtain a certificate by CNIC number and date of issue. The Covid-9 vaccination fee is only Rs. 100 and the vaccination certificate fee is paid by debit or credit card.

The Complete Procedure and Guideline Available In The Website NIMS Or Follow The Following Instruction.

Download the guideline and procedure for obtaining Covid-9 vaccination certificate in Pakistan Click for Download PDF document.

How to access the covid-19 vaccination E-certificate from NADRA:

  1. Open website NIMS typing
  2. After that to  “Obtaining the Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate” button and click
  3. Enter the required information
    • CNIC Number and date of issue CNIC
    • Click the process
  4. Once you have  filled in all the required information, after date proceed to payment
  5. Enter payment with help of you debit or credit care
  6. The know Print your payment receipt and click continue
  7. Last steps Review the information before download
  8. Download your covid-19 vaccination certificate

If you want print again covid-19 vaccination certificate then repeat the same procedure it means visit the website above link are given above and the process for re-print you covid-19 vaccination certificate just enter your details.

How can I modify details on the covid-19 vaccination E- certificate?

This is also possible you can change certain information on your covid-19 vaccination certificate like

Your name – If your name spelling is incorrect, Passport No or CNIC Number : if your passport number or CNIC is entered incorrect then visit age same website and just again enter your detail the click on the modify data on certificate option appear. Then enter the correct information and process it. But one thing must be remember the payment also charge in 100 rupees. It means pay 100 rupees form credit or debit card.

Here is example of  Covid-19 vaccination certificate 

Final Covid-19 Vaccination certificate in Pakistan
Final Covid-19 Vaccination certificate in Pakistan

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