Child Labour


Child Labour   

Child Labour means the employment of children who have not reached the legal age for working. This is very shameful that even in the modern age of advancement millions of children are under the heavy burden of work. When they are supposed to be learning at a school.

Pakistan is facing many problems, but the most common issue in Pakistan is child Labour, which is destroying our society and economy. Our country is not only one to have been suffering from the curse of children Labour. It exists all over the world.

What is child Labour?

The term child Labour is defined as work deprives children of their childhood, their potential and dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.


Due to poverty, the children have to work like adults from very young age. This part from destroying their future also affects their health very badly.

Childhood is the best part of life. It is full joy and innocence. It is the part of life when we are free from all the tasks. Child Labour is a pressing problem in the any country.

More about Child Labour definition

Child Labour is the biggest stigma on our so-called developing society. Now question arises what is child Labour then answer is all child who are between 5 to 14 years workforce fully in any field or other word we can say child Labour is the service paid by the children in their childhood in any filed to work. Childhood is great and happiest period of the lives of everyone during which one learns about the basic rule of the life form society.

Law of Child Labour


Government of Pakistan like the government of many other countries has made start laws against it. Employing a child for works that are not suitable for them is now a crime. Although the situation is much better now but still have are numerous child labors children in many corners of the world.

Now, we must consider the fact that directly or indirectly. We are the creators of child labors and only we have the power to get rid of it, if we all work together. Therefore, thinking about the future of the world we must take care of the children and give them what they deserve.

In Early stage of life (Childhood)

In early age (Childhood) is the superlative part of life it is full of innocence and joy. It is the portion of life when we are free from all the responsibilities. In some scenario, this is not the case; some children are support to their family, so they do some work. Childhood is the best part of life. It is full joy and innocence. It is the part of life when we are free from all the tasks. Child Labour is a pressing problem in the any country.

What are the main causes of Child Labour?

Child Labour is the act of engaging children in the early age. It has become a social issue. A main cause for being of child Labour is poverty. Parents below poverty line are not able to the fulfill the basic needs of their family, so children are forced to work on low wages in   unhygienic conditions.

Child employment a service matter in most of the developing nations. The people of high-class society are involving small children under the age of it in economic work activity. It fact that we are ignoring the reality that children are the future and hope of the nation and they play a major role in the future in different field.

Millions of children are lacking in primary education and depriving their childhood in our country, which is a terrible working.

These kids do not get the chance to live a healthy life. Since they are not delighted physically, intellectually and culturally in their childhoods

How we to control the Child Labour?


The Government has made several policies to encourage these students to study. Free education and mid-day meal is provide in the government school.

It is responsibility of the citizens by not hiring children for work and encouraging them to get education are meant to learn and not to earn.

There is a vicious cycle of poverty that tigers the need for child laborers in the country. There are various kinds of poverty. Entire poverty and relative poverty are just some parts of it. The country’s spectrum of poverty is so board that it increases the number of child  laborers manifold.

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It is responsibly of the citizen by not bring children for work and encouraging them to get education. Children are meant to learn and not earn. We need to understand and realize the significance of sending our children to school for the better future of our nation.

Child Labour keeps a child away from all the benefits of the childhoods. Cause of child Labour are poverty, poor living standard, social injustice backwardness and ineffective laws of government. The Government should start campaign t aware people about crime of child Labour and importance of education for children’s. If we really want to eradicate child Labour problem, then everyone has to play a key role.

Child Labour is a social problem

Child Labour is a social problem of Asia, Africa and third world countries, developing countries in over the world it is socially accepted crime.


Today we are facing lot of social problems, but some are very common our countries, which are destroying our society and economy of our countries.

For Example

Corruption, poverty, literacy, population growth, Terrorism, Smuggling, drugs abuse, etc.

According to UNICEF

Child Labour

As some type of work performed by children below the age of 18 years

Major Reasons of child Labour

  • Poverty
  • Unemployment of elders
  • Overpopulation
  • The Practice of making children learn the family skills
  • Potential illiteracy
  • Failure of laws
  • Type of Child Labour
  • Automobile workshops
  • Car Mechanic
  • Motorcycle shop
  • Street work
  • Hotel
  • Textile factory
  • Agriculture
  • Marble cutting
  • Bricks
  • Etc.

Child labour in Pakistan

Pakistani is amongst top ten countries having issues of child Labour

  • Children below 5-15 are 40 million.
  • 50% of them are 5 to 9, economically active
  • 2.7 million Children are working the agriculture
  • 75% are boys 27% girls

Why child labour in Pakistan?

The Pakistan parliament is a part of elite, so they pay no taxes and do not want to make any changes in the system.

No laws are enforced

Step to control child Labour in Pakistan

  • Proper education
  • Poverty control
  • Implementation of laws
  • Control of population

Next topic

Early childhood development

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