The World Environment day 2021
Environment is the most precious gift from Allah to all living being on earth. The World environment day is celebrated on the 5th June every year around the world.
The United Nations environmental program, started it in the year 1973. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to spread awareness about protecting the environment.
When and Where The World Environment Day Celebrated First Time.
The World environment day was celebrated in 1974 in Spokane, USA first time. On this day, many programs are organized by school and colleges and encourage students to plant trees or clean up some local Langs.
This small effort can leave a big impact on the environment. Every year world environment day has a different theme and slogans. The main theme of world atmosphere/ environment day 2021 is, Ecosystem Restoration” There are many threats to the environment, such as deforestation and pollution, which affects not only us but also all living beings around. Banning plastic, Recycling, Saving water, planting move trees, Saving wild life and Animals are some of the steps which let us to a better environment. It is very important a clean environment is very important to live a peaceful and healthy life.
More about Environment day 2021

Ecosystem restoration is the main subject / theme of world environment day 2021. Ecosystem restoration is the process of supporting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded damaged or destroyed. The environment plays an important role in living and the existence of life on earth. Earth is the home for different living organism we all are depends on the environment for air food water and other needs. The world environmental day is celebrated to raise awareness about nature and protecting environment. It is very significant / important for every individual to save and protect our environment for sustaining life on this planet. Earth the causes of environment degradation his human disturbance environmental changes are based on population organization deforestation and economic growth. There are three types of environmental degradation they are water degradation land degradation and air degradation.
Environmental Day influences the global climate

This influences the global climate and living conditions to a great estimate. The degradation has adverse effects / impacts on the creature’s plants animals and microorganisms. We will not have a society if we destroy the environment famous words by Margaret human activities that cause damage to the environment include population growth. Over conception over exploitation pollution and deforestation that all affects society healthy. Ecosystem provides clean water purify air maintain soil, regulate the climate recycle nutrient and provide good food biodiversity is the key indicator of the health of an ecosystem environmental problems global warming. Our population ocean acidification loss of biodiversity deforestation also lion depletion, ways to save environmental distractions be mindful of eating habits replace standard products with energy efficient versions buy recycled products stop using plastics. The atmosphere / environment is an important segment that enables the growth of all life and biotic components on earth. It is our responsibility to protect the atmosphere / environment for all. The species for the near future environmental day slogans time for nature keep calm and cool. The plant a tree today reduce, reuse, recycle a tree for peace, global warming is global warning trees alive, don’t cut them don’t destroy save the environment a good plant is hard to find green city is my dream city. Plant trees to make environment pollution free join hands to say the environment plant for the planet.
World Environment Day 2021 Continue
World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th around the world helps spread awareness about protecting and taking care of our environment and was an initiative started by the United Nation. It is a weeklong cerebration where everyone joins. It is celebrated with big fairs where people make posters, banners, art and they perform skits.
The World atmosphere/ environment day is to promote a greener future. Everybody takes part in the celebration / festivities and spread awareness on how to prevent pollution. In 1974, the first World environment day was celebrated and hosted by Spokane, USA. The Slogan for first one was only One Earth. We need to ensure that future generation has an unpolluted/ clean environment to live in.
Save our Environment 2021
Oxygen giving tree is cut down every year. Trees are vital to all life, so just take the time to plant a tree and it can make different
World environment day 2021 || Best 10 lines about World environment day 2021
- The World Environment day is celebrated every year on 5th June with different slogan.
- This day (World Environment) is celebrated on a global level.
- The celebration becomes worldwide since 1974
- This day is celebrated to create awareness among general masses about the environment 2021.
- Environment refers any things that surround us whether these are living or nonliving things.
- On this, day individuals/ people come together and work effort in defending / protecting our environment.
- Issues like pollution, climate change, biodiversity, global warming remains to focus on world environment day.
- People celebrate this day by organizing campaigns and planting sapling to create a better environment.
- The main motive is to show that when people work united for Nobel cause results are positive.
- Every living being has to depend on environment, and we must protect and conserve the environment.
Slogan of World Environment day 2021 / From First to last Theme of World Environment day 2021

- Only one Earth during Expo ’74
- Human Settlements
- Water: Vital Resource for Life
- Development without Destruction
- Ground Water
- Ten Years after Stockholm (Restoration / Renewal of Environmental Concerns)
- Managing and Disposing Unsafe / Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy
- Desertification
- Youth: Population and the Environment
- A Tree for Peace
- Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof
- When People Put the Atmosphere / Environment First, Development Will Last
- Global Warming; Global Warning
- Children and the Environment
- Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership
- Only One Earth, Care and Share
- Poverty and the Atmosphere / Environment – Breaking the Vicious Circle
- One Earth One Family
- We the Peoples: United for the Global Atmosphere / Environment
- Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
- For Life on Earth
- For Life on Earth
- The Atmosphere / Environment Millennium – Time to Act
- Connect / link with the World Wide Web of Lifecycle
- Give Earth a Chance
- Water – Two Billion Persons are dying for it!
- Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?
- Green Cities – Plan for the Planet!
- Deserts and Desertification – Don’t Desert Drylands!
- Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?
- Kick The Habit
- Unite to Combat Climate Change
- Many Species. One Planet. One Future
- Forests: Nature at your Service
- Green Economy: Does it include you?
- Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
- Raise your voice, not the sea level
- Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.
- Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife trade
- Beat Plastic Pollution
- Beat Air Pollution
- Time for Nature
- Ecosystem restoration
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