Early Childhood Care And Education

early childhood care and education IviewPakistan
early childhood care and education IviewPakistan

Importance of early childhood care and education

There is an extensive body of research that draws a link between brain development during the critical period of early childhood, and its consequential lifelong effects. The period between birth and age 8 is said to be one of rapid physiological growth. By the age of 9 (nine), while the average person has attained approximately 50% of their adult body weight the brain has attained 90% (Hyde). For particular aspects of brain development, it is said that 0-3 is an especially critical period, during which adequate stimulation must be received or brain development is impaired or hampered. There is of course, literature that criticizes this notion and supports the idea that brain development continues until adolescence and that the stress on critical stages is over emphasized. However, there is no inconsistency in the widespread opinion that the early years are sensitive years when it comes to learning as well as social, cognitive, physical and emotional development.

Early childhood development  

Moreover, well-developed EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD) programs, not only ensures child development, but also compensates for any negative experience in other spheres of life, such as conflict, trauma, nutrition or emotional deprivation. Nutritional programs combined with pre-primary education are especially beneficial in supplementing any lack in developmental stimulus. It should be kept in mind that the convention on the rights of the child (CRC) specifies that it be amongst the fundamental right of a child to be provided with the opportunity to develop his or her personality, along with mental and physical abilities, to its fullest potential.

Early childhood education program

Follow up conferences of the CRC have also established that all the EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD) programs should incorporate these right from birth. This is backed by research studies verifying that intervention at an early child stage can have more lasting impacts on the health and welfare of adults, and that the breaks predetermined stage can rarely be made up for at later stages. It is also considered far more challenging and costly to compensate, for educational insufficiency or social disadvantages caused because of it, at a later stage than providing preventive, early childhood care.

Early childhood care and education

Where it has been proven that EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD) programs contribute towards the growth of individuals, there is also ample evidence available that they correlate with human development, and economic growth of countries.

Major objectives of any Early childhood care and education

Object of early child care and education is  program, concentrating on education, health (including nutrition), social development, and growth. From this perspective early child carer and education or EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT  (ECD) appears to be the natural starting point for any programs that is targeted towards human development and is indubitably relevant for the public policy that frames these programmers.

Childhood Education Program /Early Childhood Care and Education  

Importance of early childhood care and education IviewPakistan
Importance of early childhood care and education IviewPakistan


Well-developed ECD programs have been established as effective instruments for offsetting disadvantage, and therefore emerge as very crucial to the developing world. Nevertheless, progress of these programs in the South remains slow and drawn out. Even where EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD)) facilities are available fragments of society leading to obvious social discrimination.

Early child care and Education Major reason

At the same time, exploratory research suggests that the underprivileged children, whether because of poverty, ethnicity, gender, rural isolation or disability, benefit more from these programs as compared to the more privileged. Yet the irony remains that they fail to reach out to the very children they should be targeting – those most in need. In addition, with the rapid increase in many countries of private and for-profit EARLY (ECD) provision, the gap between the rich and poor keeps on increasing, situating children from poorer families at major disadvantages for success in school compared to children from higher income levels.

Much of the burden of these vulnerable children without access falls on the Government of these counties, who justify their commitment to EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD) by lack of funding and limited budgets. Where the allocation of limited resources and prioritizing (ECD) might be relevant and an extremely justified concern for most of these governments, these is much evidence, (based both on practices in the North and on cases in the South) that points towards the cost effectiveness of early childhood care.

EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD): School cycle and drop out preschool education : Early childhood care and Education

Impact on EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD) on student flow the number of years it takes for a child to complete the primary cycle. Not only did they find that the correlation between pre-school enrolment and completion of primary education was very high, they also asserted through their study that pre-primary enrolment resulted in a gain of 20% in the efficiency in resource utilization, meaning that even if pre-primary school cost 1.2 times higher than regular primary schooling there would still be a net saving just within the education system. Their research also found that the completion rates for primary education were 50% in the absence of preschool, and around 80% where half the children have access to preschool or ECE centres. Not only does this reinstate the fact that EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT (ECD):  investment has substantial effects if it also supports the claims that pre-primary school education economized the investment made on primary education by increasing the retention rate and making it more cost effective overall.

Must Read : 

Moreover, in 1995m Mysers reviewed longitudinal studies from Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Turkey, India, Morocco, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil and Peru, emphasizing the multifold benefits of ECD intervention. All the programs reviewed had preschool components, with some stress on nutrition. Ten (10) of the 14 studies showed less repetition among primary school children as compared to those that did not have access to ECD programs at all. Not only are ECD gradules less likely repeat or dropout as these studies confirm but also according to ADEA children who attend ECD programs are more motivated perform better and get on better with their classmate

Early childhood care  education

Early childhood education (ECE) is start from the birth of kids a term that refers to the start from the age group 0-8 years of period. It means that from the child when age of two years to when they enter kindergarten. It is a time when children start learning some critical social and emotional skills and a partnership is formed between the child, their parents and the teacher.

Preschool Education – Early childhood care and Education

Early child education (ECE) starting from home or other word we can say it is from preschool education started from home this early pre-schooling education is also called preschool education after that parent start find the preschool nearby.  early child education program


Early Childhood Education. (ECE) is an education concept relates to the teaching of young children / kids properly. and informally) till the age of about eight years. Its time of remarkable brain growth, these. years lay the foundation for succeeding learning and development. Early Childhood Care And Education

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