PST – JEST Social Study Class 6 Test Preparation
Unit.1 World-View, Society and Civilization
Chapter. One: Knowing and Understanding Past
Q1. History is the study of past, particularly ____, ____and ____?
Answer: People, places and events
Q2. We can study history by using two types of sources called?
Answer: Primary Sources and Secondary Source
Q3. History must be based on?
Answer: Evidence and logical thought
PST / JEST Social Study Class 6
Unit.1 worldview, Society and Civilization
Chapter. Two: Origin of Human Life
Q1. Which book was published by Charles Darwin in 1859?
Answer: The Origin of Species
Q2. Theory of Evolution was given by?
Answer: Charles Darwin
Q3. Earth is about ……… billion years old?
Answer: 4.5
Q4. Human evolution took over how many years?
Answer: Six Million Years
Q5. Human evolution occurred on the continent of?
Answer: Africa
Q6. Which is the study of humans, past and present?
Answer: Anthropology
Q7. Modern Human beings are known as?
Answer: Homo sapiens
PST / JEST Social Study Class 6
Unit.1 World-View, Society and Civilization
Chapter. Three Society
Q1. When Hunting and gathering society began?
Answer: 100,000 years ago
Q2. When Postal society began?
Answer: 12,000 years ago
Q3. When Horticultural society began?
Answer: 12,000 years ago
Q4. When Agricultural society began?
Answer: 8,000 years ago
Q5. When Industrial society began?
Answer: 1769
Q6. When Post-industrial society began?
Answer: 1950
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.2 Indus Valley Civilization
Chapter. 1 Land and People of Indus Valley Civilization
Q1. In which time period did Indus Civilization exist?
Answer: 3300-1300 BC
Q2. In which time period did Indus Civilization flourish?
Answer: 2600-1900 BC
Q3. Which city was center of power of Indus Civilization?
Answer: Harappa
Q4. How much area was covered by Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer: 1.25 million sq. km
Q5. Name the biggest two cities of Indus Valley Civilization?
Answer: Harappa and Moen Jo Daro
Q6. What was population of Indus Civilization?
Answer: Five million people
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.2 Indus Valley Civilization
Chapter. 2 Art and Architecture of Indus Civilization
Q1. Where great Bath is located?
Answer: Moen Jo Daro
Q2. Dancing Girl is found at?
Answer: Moen Jo Daro
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6 Unit.2 Indus Valley Civilization
Chapter. 3 Tools, Technologies, Science and Trade
Q1. Wheel was invented by people of?
Answer: Indus Civilization
Q2. Most tools were made of?
Answer: Stones
Q3. The economy of Indus Civilization depended on?
Answer: Trade
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.2 Indus Valley Civilization
Chapter. 4 End of Indus Civilization
Q1. Indus Civilization began in?
Answer: 3300 BC
Q2. Indus civilization ended in?
Answer: 1300 BC
Q3. Which event in considered to be responsible to end Indus Civilization? Answer: Aryans’attack
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.3 Governing Ourselves
Chapter. 2 Organization and Functions of Federal Government
Q1. Which form of government is provided by constitution of 1973 of Pakistan?
Answer: Federal and Parliamentary
Q2. How many branches does Federal Government have?
Answer: Three
Q3. Legislative branch of Federal Government consists of how many houses?
Answer: Two (National Assembly and Senate)
Q4. How many members does National Assembly have?
Answer: 324 (60 Women 10 Minorities)
Q5. How many members does Senate have?
Answer: 104 (23 each province 4 Islamabad 8 FATA)
Q6. Who appoints the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
Answer: President
Q7. Chief Justice may remain in office until the age of?
Answer: ( )
Q8. Who is the head of province?
Answer: Governor
Q9. Who is the head of provincial government?
Answer: Chief Minster
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.3 Governing Ourselves
Chapter. 3 Local Government
Q1. Which is lowest level of government?
Answer: Local Government
Q2. Which three tier (systems) are provided to local government?
Answer: District Council, Taluka Council and Union Council
Q3. Which is the basic tier of local government?
Answer: Union Council
Q4. Which tier of local government approves development plans? Answer: District Council
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.3 Governing Ourselves
Chapter. 4 Elections
Q1. ECP stand for?
Answer: Election Commission of Pakistan
Q2. How many members are there in ECP?
Answer: Four
Q3. CEC stands for?
Answer: Chief Election Commissioner
Q4. Who is chairman of ECP?
Answer: CEC
Q5 Members of ECP are chosen from?
Answer: High Courts of Provinces
Q6. Chief Election Commissioner must be former judge of? Answer: Supreme Court
Q7. CBO stands for?
Answer: Community Based Organization
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.4 The Media
Chapter. 1 The Media, Forms and Roles
Q1. Print Media include?
Answer: Newspapers, Magazines
Q2. Electronic Media include?
Answer: Radio, TV
Q3. Digital Media include?
Answer: Websites, blogs, internet
Q4. Social Media include?
Answer: Twitter, WhatsApp, FB, etc.
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.4 The Media
Chapter. 2 Media in a Democratic Society PST – JEST
Q1. Which article of 1973 constitutions gives freedom of expression?
Answer: 19
Q2. Which article of 1973 constitutions guarantees “Right to Information?
Answer: 19 (A)
Q3. PNNABRO stands for?
Answer: PNNABRO stands for
P=Pakistan Press
N=News Agencies
BRO= Book Registration Ordinance
Q4. PNNABRO was set up in order to regulate? Answer: PEMRA
Q5. PEMRA stands for?
Answer: Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority
Q6. When PEMRA was regulated?
Answer: 2002
For PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.4 The Media
Chapter. 3 Imperfections of Media
Q1. Which is tendency to favor one side?
Answer: Bias
Q2. Which is judgment about particular group without knowing it properly?
Answer: Stereotyping
Q3. Systematic
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.5 Land and People of South Asia
Chapter. 1 Region of South Asia PST – JEST
Q1 How many countries are there in South Asia?
Answer: Eight
Q2. What separates the South Asia from rest of the Asia?
Answer: Mountain ranges
Q3. What lies to the South of Pakistan?
Answer: Arabian Sea
Q4. What lies to the South of Bangladesh?
Answer: Bay of Bengal
Q5. An area of land that shares common features is called?
Answer: Region
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.5 Land and People of South Asia
Chapter. 2 Land of South Asia PST- JEST Jobs Questions
Q1. Mount Everest lies in which mountain range?
Answer: Himalayas
Q2. K-2 lies in which mountain range?
Answer: Karakoram
Q3. Rakaposhi lies in which mountain range?
Answer: Karakoram
Q4. How many plateaus are there in South Asia?
Answer: Three (two in Pakistan one in India)
Q5. Name the only plateau of India?
Answer: Deccan Plateau
Q6. Name the plains of South Asia?
Answer: Indus (Pakistan) Ganges (India) and Brahmaputra (Bangladesh)
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.5 Land and People of South Asia
Chapter. 3 People of South Asia Test Preparation

Q1. Name the official languages of India?
Answer: Hindi and English
Q2. Old name of Sri Lanka is?
Answer: Ceylon
Q3. Which country of South Asia consists of group of islands?
Answer: Maldive
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.5 Land and People of South Asia
Chapter. 4 The Work People Do Test Preparation
Q1. How many types of work structures are there?
Answer: Four
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.6 Population PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Chapter. One Population Test Preparation
PST – JEST Social Study Class 6
Q1. Most populated country in the world is?
Answer: China
Q2. Which is most populated Muslim country in the world?
Answer: Indonesia
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Unit.6 Population
Chapter. Two Increasing Population in South Asia PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6
Q1. Which country is most populated in South Asia?
Answer: India
PST / JEST Test Social Study Class 6 Unit.6 Population
Chapter. 3 Growing Population: Problems and Solutions
Q1. Which country has reduced birth rate?
Answer: China
PST – JEST Social Study Class 6
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